Aldo Kraas

July 15th1970 Brazil
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Yesterday is now gone

Yesterday is now gone
Out of my mind
I still believed in yesterday
Yesterday I had an easy life
And I had my dreams filled
With tears
Yesterday I was high emotionally
Today Is not such a good day
The sky is grey
And it is foggy out there
It makes harder for drivers to see
I am glad I don't have to drive
Anywhere today
Because it is boxing day
I am glad to stay home
I have a little life to live
That I am living every day
That my Father gave to me
A long time a go
My father created me
With his holy hands
Also my father gave today some
New clothes to wear
That he bought at the second hand store
I love second clothes
They are my style of clothes
I am not rich in money
Who cares
I have very little money to live
My friends care about me
I am glad they do
Also they are poor like me
We are very religious
Thanks God
And we are always praying to God
Every night before going to bed
For a few hours
We like to pray to God
For a few hours
Now is time for all of us to go
To go sleep
Because now is getting very late
Tomorrow will be another day
I will go back to work for my God
Writing some poems
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