Aldo Kraas

July 15th1970 Brazil
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I made my resolution

I made my resolution
I will go to bed early every night
So that I can get a proper sleep
I will not stay up past my bed time
Because I will jeopardize my sleep schedule that
I made for me
I made my resolution
I must love myself before I love others
I made my resolution
I am happy with the friends I have
They are very caring
I made my resolution
This is a new year
Full of surprises
Also we are having a mild winter
I am very happy about that
Lots people underestimate me
I know that I am a genius
That writes good poetry
Every single day
Poetry is the gift that God
Gave to me
And I am using that gift
Writing poems
If I don't use that gift
I will lose it
And that would be the worst thing
I could do for me
Also I am working long hours
Writing poems
I don't miss a day writing poem
Also in my poems there is a message
That I am sending to God's people
I hope God's people will be hungry to
Receive my message
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