Aldo Kraas

July 15th1970 Brazil
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Ain't nobody but me

Ain't nobody but me
Who prays every night
For God
Before I go to sleep
Yes it is kind of late
I finally finished praying
For my God
It only takes me 20 minutes
To pray to my God
Ain’t nobody else
That believes in God
The way I do
My God made me
With his holy
Hands many years ago
And placed me here on
Earth to live
From now until I get old
Now I am still a young
God I don’t want to die
Because I want to live
My life to the fullest
Every single day
Here on earth
My God
Thanks for giving me
The beautiful life
I have here on earth
I never complained
About my life to you God
My God, I don’t like
When it is raining outside
Because it is horrible
And I am always getting soaked
The umbrella is useless to have
Because it doesn’t keep me dry
When I come home
I have to change my clothes
Remove the wet clothes
From my body
And wear some dry clothes
Now I am going to have
A little siesta because
I am tired from
My outside walk
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