AiR - Atman in Ravi

October 15, 1964 - India
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The A to Z of Death

Are you the body that is sure to die?
Or are you the one who will go into the sky?
Why don't you stop and find out, 'Who am I?'
Then, there will be no need to cry
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Death is not a moment of desperation!
Stop with the body, your false identification
Then, Death will become Liberation
With the Divine, a moment of Unification!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

This world is a drama, it's just a show
We are just actors, we come and we go!
When the truth about Karma, we get to know
Death will not be a deadly blow
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Why fear the loss of all that you own?
Is it not certain that you will lose all that is known?
There is no need to fear the beyond that is unknown
You are not the one made of skin and bone
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

All that we learned about Death were lies
Even that we will go up to God in the skies
The body is destroyed, it cannot rise
It's time to overcome ignorance and be wise
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Can you escape the certainty of Death?
Isn't it a fact that you will lose your breath?
Then what is the point to live with fears? Realize the truth and let go of your tears
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

One of two things will happen when you die
Either you will be Reborn, or will be Free in the sky
If you have Karma, you will return to earth
If Liberated, then, no Rebirth!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

In this fear, you think of ending your life
You want to be free from all misery and strife
You even contemplate suicide and search for a knife
But in our hands, neither is Death nor Life.
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Do we control Death or Birth?
Did we control how we came to earth? Everything that happens is just a drama Everything is controlled by the Law of Karma
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Do we fear Death because it is the end? Is it the end or is it just a bend?
If from ignorance, we can transcend
Then Death will become our best friend
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Isn't Death a moment that will Liberate us from pain?
Will it not save us from being born, again and again?
If it is going to Free us from the Rebirth chain
Then why should Death create so much strain?
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

What is the way to overcome this fear?
We must overcome ignorance, that is clear!
Death is not an enemy that comes with a spear
It unites us with the Divine, this should give us cheer!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Of course, we will die, but this is in whose hand?
Is it a God of another land?
God is SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power Death reveals this, it takes off the cover
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Are you the Body that is sure to die?
Are you the Mind that you cannot find?
Are you the Ego that keeps saying, 'I'?
You are the Divine Soul, that is no lie!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Isn't Death going to come, you will die?
Why not be happy, why just cry?
Realize the Truth of 'Who am I?'
Then, like a bird, you can fly in the sky
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

We cry because we believe the myth
About Death, we did not realize the truth
We did not get to the bottom of the root
We are the seed, not the shoot or the fruit
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Do you realize you are the Divine Soul? When you achieve this, the ultimate goal
Then, your life will become whole
Joy, Peace and Love will unfold
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Will not Death free us from our earthly pain?
Will it not reward us with heavenly gain? There will be no more sunshine and rain Celebrate Death, for freedom you will attain
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Doesn't anyone who comes to earth, face sorrow?
He may be glad today but will cry tomorrow
Don't fear Death, instead, learn to celebrate
Surrender to the Divine, your life's fate!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Are we the mortal body, or the immortal Soul?
We are the Power, when this secret we unfold
Then from the fear of Death, we are free
Free from the Body, the Mind and Ego, ME
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?
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