AiR - Atman in Ravi

October 15, 1964 - India
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I am not I… Who am I?

I am not who I am !
I have a Body but am I the Body?
I have a Mind but am I the Mind?
I have an Ego but am I the Ego?
Who is the ME that I am?

I have eyes that can see
But the eyes are not me
I have limbs that can walk
But it's not me, who does the talk
These are mine but not me
Who is the ME that I am?

I am not this Body
One day, this Body will die.
I am not this Mind
Where is the Mind,
I cannot find!
I am not the Ego
Then, Who Am I?

Am I a butterfly?
No, that's not Me
Am I a bee? No, that's not Me
Am I a tree? No, that's not Me
I am ME!

Who is the ME that I am?
I am not Who I think I am
Am I an Indian? No, that's my nationality
Am I a Hindu? No, that's my religion
Am I a male? No, that's my gender
I am not Who I think I am!

I am not my car
I know What I am not!
I am not my house
I know what I am not!
What I Am Not, I know!
But I know not, Who I Am!

If I am not the Body, Who am I?
If I am not the Mind, Who am I?
If I am not the Ego, Who am I?
I am None of these but I am
Who is the 'I' that I Am?

I am the Power that gives Life
I am that Power that brought me to Earth
That Power is the SOUL, A Spark Of Unique Life
The Soul is what gave me Birth

Now I Know, Who I Am!
I am not the Body that will die
I am Not the Mind and Ego, ME, that says, 'I'
Because I don't Know, 'Who I am',
I cry When I Realize, 'Who Am I?'
I Become one with the Power in the Sky

What is the Purpose of our Life on Earth?
What is the Purpose of Human Birth? To go on a Quest, to find, 'Who I am not' Then, I will Realize, 'Who I am'
This is the Purpose of 'I'

As long as I think, I am Everything!
I will live and die as Nothing!
But the moment I Realize, I Am Nothing In that moment, I become Everything!
It happens when I Realize, 'Who Am I?'

I am the SOUL, the Spark Of Unique Life
The Soul is the Supreme Immortal Power, SIP
When I Realize, 'Who I am not,' I board a ship
I become SIP, then I start a Very Special Trip
A Voyage that Unites my SOUL with SIP

I am not the Ego, that's my identity!
I am not the Body and Mind, that's not me!
I am the Holistic Energy, I am 'HE'
I am not 'I' that I thought I was
'Who am I?’ I Know, 'Who I Am!'

‘I Am Not 'I',' This is the Truth
‘Who am I?' Get to the root
First, I must find out, 'Who I am not'
For this, I must be free from all Thought Then, I will Realize, 'Who am I?'
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