Abraham Zillion Airs

April 3rd. Edo State. Nigeria
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In No LIghts, A Phoenix End

The man that has eaten our cakes.
Yet Came with the feeling of bad air.
With foot prints in air and on the earth.
Making parties with no lights drinking red wine.
Red Wine?

He broke my gates and locked my doors.
With no questions, He Lunched the Flight.
21 days , I bought the red Oil he fried in tears'.
And left you on a land, still no lights.
No lights?

Flying on the ground walking in the air.
Dropping Lessons we never going to forget.
It was a whole systems vault inside the red sea.
And Left it hook, line And Sinker tears.
Sinker Tears?

What a Hunter-Gatherers and Neanderthals.
Keeping bread for the other men.
Never knowing how it end will tell.
Now it's time for A Phoenix End.
A Phoenix End!

Brighten the corner where you are.
Someone far from harbour.
You may guide across the bar.
Brighten the corner where you ate.
Only the best is good enough.

Think Once, Think Twice.
Yet never using the rule of third.
Boiling Air, causing death of busy bee's.
Riding The path to Greatness.
The rule till it will end.

In No lights, A Phoenix end must be the end.
Eagles with chickens feeling in One Next.
And the lions with no feelings taking a meal.
who would take the lions head.
The invader is right here.

xlines>>>>The Invader is causing the price of Quarantine
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