A. P. Herbert

1890-1971 / Ashtead, Surrey

‘more Aid . . .' -

The Prussian beast leaps on and on,
And Freedom totters by the Don;
Though I would make a little bet
That Timoshenko's not done yet.
Meanwhile, we meet, and mass, and roar
‘Why don't we aid brave Russia more?'
Or badger generals to declare
When they will smite the foe and where.
Well, well, it's not for us to boast
Who's done, or sacrificed the most
(Though it were gracious to allow
A thing or two we're doing now).
But Russia's not alone, you know —
As we were, not so long ago;
And every proper job we do
Is done for Timoshenko too.
So we shall help him best, I guess,
By doing more, and talking less.
. . . . . .
And let us hope that Heaven sends
Some aid to save him from his friends.
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