A. P. Herbert

1890-1971 / Ashtead, Surrey

Christmas Cards

1.—For Downing Street
We do not think that everything is well,
But we do know the obstacles are large;
So we are worried by the men who yell,
But follow quietly the men in charge.
December 24, 1944

2.—For a Man in Trafalgar Square
'Hands off Greece!' The British must get out.
Oh, yes? And Hands off Belgium, too, no doubt.
We shall, of course, be better for your sermons:
But why not save some censure for the Germans?
December 24, 1944

3.—For Whom it May Concern
Cheer up. We never thought that Peace
Would all be song and dance.
And what is happening in Greece
Might have occurred in France.
December 24, 1944
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