The war, though we dislike it quite a bit,
Is sometimes laughable, you must admit.
0 Lord, the lectures we have had to bear
From all the red-hot scribes who 'really know'—
0 Lord, how cross the bilious weeklies were
About our 'flirting' with Badoglio!
It showed that Mr. Churchill was insane;
It showed that Eisenhower was a Hun.
It showed that principle was down the drain;
It showed that dirty work was being done.
No honest man could use the fellow long:
A single handshake was a deep disgrace.
And now great Russia (who can do no wrong)
Sails in and wraps him in a warm embrace!
The war, though not a masterpiece of wit,
Is sometimes laughable, you must admit.
March 19, 1944